Kayla+Phil - Dallas, TX


Kayla and Phil are high school sweethearts and the cutest ones that I’ve ever me!. When they asked me about doing their engagement photos, they told me that they wanted to show off their love of tacos (YES) and, dang it, they basically win at engagement photos for that reason alone. They sent over a list of like 10 taco places they frequent and it is now my life’s work to try them all and be as cool as they are! Our final spot during the session was supposed to be a rooftop but, when we got there, we found out that the parking garage was full to capacity due to a special event. So we got the heck out of there and pulled into the closest parking lot with a decent view so as to not miss the last bit of sun hitting the skyline. Not even a last second hail Mary could kill their joy…partially because they are finally getting married after a decade together and partially because they were full of tacos. Probably mostly the former but tacos never hurt!